I Only Know About You Once a Year
That December Contact Contract
I have friends living far away for whom I care even though we are no longer in each others’ lives on a daily or weekly basis.
Some are former work colleagues. Others are school cronies or distant cousins.
Since I have moved several times, former neighbors also make up part of my group of Christmas “wassup?” friends. I truly look forward to the exchange of yearly greetings because I want to get caught up.
(By the way, I am not referring to cards including a 2-page single-spaced brag announcement or a blow-by-blow recounting of hideous medical procedures.)
I am talking about cards, e-cards, and blanket social media holiday posts which include references to our common past. They give me the information I would ask about if we were having a telephone conversation or an in-person chat.
Treasures in the Cards
I like good news about children and nieces or nephews of my friends.
I delight in their good fortune — it is such a nice change from the info that news media choose to present to us. Since these are the young people in the families of people whose judgment and friendship I already cherish, of course, I love hearing about all their good breaks, awards, and accomplishments.
I have learned about performances in the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day parade and awards in scouting, good experiences at summer camps, job internships, or travel.
As the years go by, I celebrate the arrival of babies of my friends’ babies.
From other friends, the annual Christmas contact may bring news of professional achievements and the launching of a new business endeavor. Sometimes, I can report back that “I saw your name mentioned in a national magazine!” That is special.
Annual Connection
Although we may never arrange our lives to actually meet again somewhere, I do not forget my “Christmas card friends.” I count on receiving an update each winter. I hope they do, too.
Just because we no longer live in the same neighborhood, or state, or country, does not mean we do not live in each others’ hearts.