Cheap Miracle Cure for Home Decorating
No, it’s not hiding your demolition work with a gorgeous bouquet of fresh flowers, although fresh flowers are NEVER a bad idea.
The Price Fits My Budget
Canadian comedian Red Green declares that duct tape is “the handyman’s secret weapon.” And he has yet to be stumped by how to use it on anything. There is true genius at work!
Coincidentally, that’s the way I feel about paint. It is the home remodeler’s secret weapon. And, compared to the cost of every other fix, it rocks!
Of course, all the paint manufacturers and home DIY stores are delighted that I have bought into this philosophy. As long as I am cruising around with my credit cards and my exciting decorating plans, they don’t need to worry about insufficient business.
She who dies with the most . . .
You may be familiar with the bumper sticker which read “She who dies with the most” and ends with “fabric — wins.” I have fallen prey to that notion.
However, in home decor and remodeling I assert that it is “She who Dies with the Most Paint Color Swatches Wins.”
I have visited all my local paint and supply stores with the critical eye of a secret shopper.
I know which stores have the competent mixers, and which employees should be avoided at all costs.
There is never a moment when I am not in possession of those cardboard color samples — either taped on a wall or molding, in my purse to consult with my friends, or serving as a bookmark (these are the “I’m done with it” samples. I can’t bear to throw out perfectly good paper.)
The shelves of the deeply discounted “Oops” paints attract me like free food attracts my romantic partner. My brain goes on auto-pilot with the idea that I must be able to use that Oops color somewhere. Basement? Under sinks? There must be a place for it!
Don’t start thinking I have an obsessive-compulsive problem. I happen to be working on an extreme fixer-upper house right now. But, hmmmm…. did I get myself into this project to meet my….. Let’s not go there.
Color: Quick and Inexpensive Mood Maker
I adore playing with colors. They are everything to me — the interplay, the moods they create, the unbelievable variety available. I go nuts thinking about it.
Happily, modern paints come in so many shades, textures, and finishes that they will probably keep me occupied for the rest of my days. If I choose the wrong shade, or decide that I absolutely cannot live with the brilliant green wall I created, a twenty-five dollar can of paint will fix the problem.
What problems paint can cure or hide!
Uneven surface? Sponge paint.
Dark, gloomy area? A light shade, high gloss.
Boring wall? Masking tape to outline stripes.
Sleep-inducing kitchen? Yellow!
Plus, Paint Is Useful in my Personal Grooming
I never need nail polish because I am always wearing the latest house project’s hue on my nails.
A little touch of wall paint highlighting in my hair is often unwittingly applied. And without those high salon prices.
Of course, I do paint my face, too. Pink on cheeks, coral on lips, green by my eyes. But for these, I break down: actual cosmetic brands get my business there.
The big box hardware stores will just have to live with it.
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